Course Meaningful Living - A participant speaks
Garden of Eden
The garden of Asharum Amonines can be compared to the Garden of Eden. All those flowers and plants, those scents, those colors! Insects buzz that it is a sweet treat, the water of the fountain sounds like a soft melody. A curious robin wonders from his hiding place in the bushes what those new, as yet unknown people are doing there. A languid cat stretches on the gravel path and understands it very well, he does exactly the same as those people who walk around there: catch your breath, you give up beauty and love and strength for a possible next step.
The red thread
The maxim or theorem ‘ Attunement in affirmation is the meaning of human living ’, is the guideline for the course. It sounds a bit ambitious, trying to understand the meaning of life in five days. At the same time, what is not possible in five days is probably not possible in five lives. So you might as well try it. Irma is our guide these five days. Step by step, day by day, meditation to meditation, she takes us to a solution. She does this very patiently, with a quip and a lot of understanding, with room for everyone's personal account, which she effortlessly places in the great story that we form together.
How do we deal with today's events?
As different as the background of us as participants is, it becomes clear that we also struggle with the same questions, each in our own way: how can we live, maybe even survive, today full of incomprehensible developments, terrifying ideas and hair-raising events? Should we accept quietly and endure everything? Democracy is not for frightened people, is a saying. But can we counterbalance, offer an alternative that goes further than stop taking news from self-protection? How? How to offer an alternative without losing yourself in political disputes and above all: without making the opponent stronger by your resistance? While we bend over the meaning of tuning, of affirmation, of what it is like to be human and we ultimately also contemplate the meaning of meaning, these questions form a common thread throughout the days.
The insights and answers to the position come, on stocking feet. With every meditation something changes in us, something that cannot be captured in words. I see my own changes reflected in the other participants. Their faces become softer, their voices firmer, their gaze radiates more strength and conviction by the day.
The answers are within ourselves
Answers are already here waiting for us deep within ourselves. We take first steps to get in touch with what else is there. With the Al. And try to face that unknown without fear and prejudice. Perhaps spirituality, like democracy, is not for frightened people either.
Our journey can begin by realizing that we are more than an ‘ opinion ’, more than the experience we experience. We are introduced to new concepts such as ‘ I-World ’ and Irma explains the phenomenon of resonance on the basis of a simple mathematical figure.
Irma navigates us around the rocks of our conviction. 'Knowing you don't know is quite a lot," she says. It is already a step to accept that there is more and that you cannot understand it. And she radiates an unwavering confidence: ‘ although you are touched by the things around you, your wonder and your love resonate in the Al. ’ Then the answer to the previous questions also looms, how to deal with today's challenges? She points out that it is not necessarily necessary to have some kind of ‘ numerical majority ’ to let Love overcome.
Meditation and visualization
It is a lot and it is big what we are trying to learn. Our ideas and experiences as a participant vary widely, but Irma always guides us to a middle with meditation exercises and visualizations, to the place in time and space where the inner and outer world become as one. Symbols also help to get past words. And of course music brings an answer. When we listen to the chant “ The Breath of Heart ’ by Alexander Gustave on Sunday morning, everything that still looked for a place falls into place. Thus, almost unnoticed, the certainty has grown in us that only love is the way, only love can disarm.
Come and experience it too!
Much more happened, the conversations were more comprehensive and the meditations deeper than words can represent. Actually you just have to experience it yourself. And then be quiet.
It is very pleasant to stay at this place in the Ardennes, because of that magic garden full of peace and quiet alone. The food is delicious, the rooms are crystal clear, the atmosphere is silky soft. Irma, Annebeth, Katelijn and Louise lead the dance without noticing, each in their own rhythm and always in the right pace. The Asharum Amonines lives its own promise of love and devotion.
Participant of the course August 2024