Zen Shiatsu Massage

It is often possible to book a shiatsu massage during your visit. These are given by Katelijn, who provides active service in the Asharum. As such, she tries to live LivingNâm in vision, attitude and practice.

Zen shiatsu massage

Shiatsu is a Japanese form of massage and literally means 'pressure through the fingers'.

Based on the holistic Chinese view that health is supported by a free flow of life energy (ki) in the meridians,  the approach takes into account the total body, mental health, emotions and living conditions.

With targeted pressure, light manipulations and stretching Katelijn addresses the ki in the body. When the energy balance is restored, the self-healing capacity is supported.

Shiatsu often leads to greater body awareness, an experience of deep rest and more space and freedom of movement.

What is Zen shiatsu massage?

Zen shiatsu is distinguished by the importance of an inner quality, the presence of the masseur in full attention.

When Katelijn is available, a Zen shiatsu massage can be requested while staying at the Asharum.
A massage costs €75 for 75 minutes, this includes an intake.

Read more about Katelijn's work on her website Yokata.


It was a real discovery for me to experience the shiatsu massage. With a few words and touches Katelijn released a stream of energy where I did not expect it and brought me to new insights. thank you for this.
Ewa, November 2021

Welcome was this shiatsu massage. To experience my body in strength, disslove accumulations of energy and feel the free flow of energy again.
Thank you very much, Katelijn, for the beautiful, careful and loving treatment.
Maria, November 2021 (Maria (72 yrs. lives and works in Asharum Nijar, Spain)

Zen shiatsu massage