March in Amonines

Asharum Amonines Journal February


February started with ice on the windows and brought a mix of cold winds, rain and sunshine. Some work could already be done in the garden, but most guests stayed inside. Apart from the people for whom the connection with the Asharum is since long part of their personal history we are very happy with the more recent and slowly growing group of people for whom the Asharum is becoming an important haven in their lives to reconnect with themselves.



The Nâm Retreat of Silence

One of the events of last month was the Nâm Retreat of Silence. We had a small group of new participants. In the process of the retreat one of the participants clearly got more energy and seemed to be glowing with curiosity and wonder. In the end she shared with me that all kind of thoughts had come up, amongst which also was the urge to write to Yoginâm about how thankful she was. While this was true, she recognised the thoughts themselves as distracting and reached the conclusion that the only thing she could do was give in and just sit with all her thoughts and restlessness, waiting for it to pass. As the retreat ended and we thanked each other in silence, I realised the intensity of our experience in these five days and felt moved by it. It reminded me of something Yoginâm once said:

It is well known that joining in Silence creates a much stronger bond than joining in discussion and debate.


A mix of Retreat participants and Regular visitors

Next to the Nâm Retreat of Silence the Asharum was open for other guests as well. We took care that the other visitors who came during the retreat were already familiar with the Asharum. We informed them in advance about the retreat and the importance of supporting silence. We also had arranged it so that the regular visitors didn’t exceed the number of retreat participants. Although a bit uneasy about the prospect of this new combination it beautifully came together. The silence was carried wider and because we all shared in the same field, the process that took place during the retreat was also affecting the other visitors and staff, which was as challenging as it was welcome.


Sharing in a contemplative life

When people leave the Asharum you see a different person from the one that came over the doorstep a few days earlier. Their face looks softer, and they have become quieter, as if they changed their inner pace. Through the simplicity of life in the Asharum with its rhythm of meditations our guests seem to pick up the resonance in which all that is unnecessary or even obstructive and detrimental is removed. When we empty ourselves, things become quieter.


Deep Silence is one of realisation

We are at the moment very much inspired by a quote from Yoginâm about silence.


This is the deep Silence; the silence of Abbah. This is far removed from the silence of not talking or not making noise. It emerges not from an avoiding but from a realising.

Yoginâm 2023


It is the search for this state of silence that has more and more our focus in Asharum Amonines. It also means we try to avoid unnecessary chatter. To avoid this is a powerful tool and a good starting point, but more important is our intent to constantly return to this silent state, again and again. Our guests are invited to join in this search to touch on something below the surface that is hard to define.

We try to provide an opportunity to open up to this silence by realising that the less we interfere, the more silence can become a companion in everything we do.


Deep silence and the Breath

Not interfering is a lifelong exercise and Yoginâm offers the Breath as the most important instrument that touches this deep silence. The Breath consists of two inner sounds, synchronised with your breathing and is received in a specific manner, infused with resonance by Yoginâm. Never spoken out loud, it is carried at the level of permanent silence and because the sounds contain no specific meaning it has the ability to lift us above our likes and dislikes and the ensuing inner- or outer dialogue. As we have the intent to constantly return to this silent state it is the Breath that can carry this intent.

It is possible to make an appointment to receive the Breath for those who are seriously interested to use this as a tool for transformation.


Different possibilities to share in the contemplative life of Asharum Amonines

We have the Exclusive Guest Retreat, where you can meditate with the house two times a day, benefit from the strong resonance present in the house and enjoy the beautiful surroundings.

We have the Regular Visit where the level of engagement is higher, as besides the two meditations a day you also share in the work for two hours in the morning.

We have the Private Meditation Retreat where you share in all the four daily meditations of the Asharum. You do not share in the work and can compose your own programme with regard to being in silence or not, although we do recommend some time in silence.

And we have the events, which have a different dynamic and focus. For the coming period we have the Breath Meditation Weekend, April 5-7, The Reflection Week April 10-14 and the Nâm Retreat of Silence, April 24-30. You can book the events through the agenda included in the mail.


A Yoga Retreat participant sharing her appreciation:

'A very beautiful place, inhabited by people of integrity with their hearts in the right place. They live from true empathy and authenticity. Here you can be who you are. This place has awakened something in me and I am grateful for that.'